Facility & Room Reservation Request

Please fill out this form and click submit.
Members and groups having an established relationship with First United Methodist Church of Salisbury are permitted to use the grounds and facilities for gatherings and activities which are consistent with the mission of the Church. Those seeking to use facilities must complete a Facility Use & Room Reservation Request Form and obtain approval in advance of use.  Generally, requests for the use of facilities during church business hours (Monday-Friday: 9am - 3pm) are approved by the church leadership in accordance with this policy.  Requested use of the facilities outside of normal business hours requires approval of the Board of Trustees.

To ensure availability and avoid scheduling conflicts, please consult the Church Calendar online at: https://www.fumcsalisbury.org/calendar.

Effective July 01, 2023: Outside groups using church facilities are expected to contribute toward the cost of utilities and cleaning in accordance with the following fee schedule:
-A101 (Stanback Room): $25/hour
-Chapel: $50/hour
-Fellowship Hall: $50/hour
-Kitchen: $25/hour
-Other Classroom Space: No Charge (Additional donations to help offset costs would be accepted.)

The use and rental of facilities for weddings and funerals are in accordance with separate policies, available at: https://www.fumcsalisbury.org/policies-and-forms.html.

Payment of Facility Rental Fees must be remitted prior to facility use, once approval is granted.

*The Board of Trustees reserves the right to waive fees for certain applicants at its discretion; and/or approve certain groups to substitute a service project benefitting the church in lieu of rental fees.
*Please NOTE: Alcohol and tobacco products are strictly prohibited on FUMC property at all times.*
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Vehicle Usage Request

If you are requesting the use of the church bus(es), you must complete the following.
Please select all that apply.


Please fill out this form and click submit.